November 23, 2022
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
| Tags: Counter Cultural, Worship, Culture, Thanksgiving, family, American Holiday, Christian Thanksgiving, Patriotic Thanksgiving, Giving thanks to God, Coggins Church of Lexington, Pastor Scott E. Slaughter, Pilgrims, William Bradford, Plymouth Rock, Christian Parenting, American Puritans, First Thanksgiving Feast, Teaching Children to Give Thanks
My intention here is not to prop up the American holiday of Thanksgiving but to encourage Christians to grasp their calling to be the people in this fallen world who are characterized by giving thanks to the true and living God (1 Chronicles 16; Luke 17:18; Philippians 4:6). ...
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August 2, 2022
Worship and Music
| Tags: Worship, Biblical Worship, Contemporary Worship, Traditional Worship, Blended Worship, Reformed Worship, Unified Worship, Church Music, Worship Music Preferences, Worship Wars
In the coming days, as we worship our Lord together and as we spend time with each other outside of scheduled services, let us continually look for ways to build each other up in the faith and to pursue a lifestyle of worship that is willing to set aside personal preferences for the sake of unity in the body of Christ.
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April 7, 2022
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
Culture & God's Word
| Tags: Worship, Sin, God, Sacrifice, Spiritual Growth, Pride, Trust, Knowledge of God, Transcendence of God, Arrogance, Apathy, Understanding God
Why do Christians gather for worship? What are they to do when they gather? What purpose does it serve? What meaning does it have? Why is worship so important? If we tried to reduce biblical worship to a single word, it would be impossible. We would use words like “praise,” “giving thanks,” “prayer,” and “adoration.” But there is a word that we would have t...
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June 9, 2020
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
| Tags: Pentecost, Worship, Ascension, Resurrection
The expectation of the “Chosen One” is everywhere in the Old Testament. This expectation is pictured In the protoevangelium (Gen. 3:15), Melchizedek the king-priest of Salem (Gen. 14:18), Israel’s blessing of Judah (Gen. 49:8-10), Moses’ mediatorial rule as a prophet, priest and king, the Davidic covenant, David himself, as well as the many prophecies scattered thr...
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March 17, 2020
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
| Tags: Jesus, Worship, Christmas
Christmas has stood the test of time. It is doubtful that our Savior was born December 25th but it doesn’t matter....
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January 17, 2020
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
| Tags: Worship, Money, Stewardship, Giving, Tithing
Do you have money or does money have you? ...
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July 2, 2019
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
| Tags: Worship, Families, Attending Church
Worship has always been a family affair. We may observe this early in the Bible by examining the lives of the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). God commended Abraham’s leadership in this matter when He said, for I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him (Gen. 18:19)....
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April 8, 2019
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
| Tags: Salvation, Worship, God, Deliverer, Deliverance
God is the Savior of his people. He delivers his people and desires for them to worship him as their Deliverer. If God has displayed such awesome power to be our Savior shouldn’t we respond to him in some loving way?...
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December 31, 2018
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
| Tags: Evangelism, Worship, Thirsting For God, Priorities
Is the church’s primary responsibility to win the lost or to worship God?...
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