Posts Tagged with "Christmas"

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Christmas at Coggins Church!


Put away your anxiety, uncertainty, and pain. Turn from sin and dis- belief to faith and hope in the knowledge and trust that the Father has sent His Son to be the Savior of the world (1 John 13-16). Forget about the holiday stress and pressure of our culture. They do not know our God. ...

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What Child Is This?


He only lived thirty-three years on earth. His ministry only lasted three and a half years. This man Jesus and his disciples “turned the world upside down.”...

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It Really Happened!


My prayer for you this Christmas is that your faith in the Savior of the World will be renewed, as you ponder the thought that the Savior is alive and reigning ~ he is real....

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Christmas In Eden, The Promised Deliverer of Genesis 3:15

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The idea of a coming deliverer runs deep in Jewish belief and spans the gamut of biblical history. ...

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Is Christmas Christian?


Christmas has stood the test of time. It is doubtful that our Savior was born December 25th but it doesn’t matter....

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