August 24, 2024
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
Spiritual Growth
| Tags: family, Salvation, Knowing God, Church, adult children, Young Adults, Young Men, Peter Pan Generation, Launching Young Adults, Millenials, gen z, Spiritual Peter Pans, Spirital Laziness, Jacob's conversion expereince, Genesis 28:10-20, Wayward Adult Children, Young Adults leaving the church, Young men wasting their lives, Men and Video Games
The Patriarch Jacob was like many who grew up in the church. He knew about God. He'd watched his parents worship and build their lives around the biblical faith. He wasn't opposed to it. He kind of believed it too. But in reality, Jacob had not really come to God himself. If the truth were told, he was simply coasting off his father's faith....
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May 25, 2024
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
| Tags: Patriotism, Memorial Day, America, USA, Veterans, US Military, Gold Star Families, American Revolutionary War, Honoring Those Who Died in Battle, Spanish American War, US Civil War, Union Soldiers, Confederate Soldiers, World War I Casualties, World War II Causuality, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, War on Terror, Remember and Honor, Happy Memorial Day
They did not die in vain. Let’s not live in vain. The sincerest thank you that a citizen can offer those who died for their liberty, is to live out said liberty before God and man. They prayed to God and gave everything so that we can do the same. Americans, shake free from the prevailing lies about what it means to be free. Many enjoy this Constitutional liberty but do ...
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April 8, 2024
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
Bible Study
| Tags: Salvation, Genesis, The Fall, Sin, Adam and Eve, The Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse
Please read Genesis chapters 1 through 3 slowly. Picture in your mind what is happening. The account of the fall of Adam and Eve is doubtless familiar to most people who’ve grown up in the West. After recording for us the mighty acts of God in creation, Moses goes on to tell of how mankind fell from innocence and fellowship with God to a state of sinfulness and separatio...
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April 3, 2024
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
Spiritual Growth
| Tags: Tithing, Grace Giving, Sacrificial Giving, Church Offerings, How to Give to the Church, How to support the work of God, Where should your chartable giving go?, Why do Christians Tithe, Is Tithing in the New Testament
Tithing is the first step of Grace Giving. It was the first method used by God to teach His people stewardship. It was the first method God used to finance His Kingdom work among men. It was and is the elemental principle of giving. If the principle of tithing is not settled in your heart and life you will never move beyond it. Talk of Grace Giving can fill the airwaves bu...
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February 13, 2024
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
| Tags: Miracles, The Death Of Jesus, The Crucifixion of Jesus, The Resurrection of Jesus, Angels, The sacrifice of Jesus, Doubting the resurrection of Jesus, The doctrine of the resurrection from the dead, Easter, Resurrection Day, Guards at Jesus' Tomb, Mary Magdalene, The Stone Rolled Away, Up from the grave he arose
What is Easter to you -- just another religious holiday? A time when your wife, mother, or family member pressures you to attend church with them? Perhaps for you it is a bit more meaningful, -- it is a time for tradition. At Easter the family attends church, has a festive meal, or reunion. For some, it is about the children. At Easter the children get their special spring...
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February 3, 2024
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
Church Community
| Tags: Christian Love, Love, Genuine Love, Fruit of the Spirit, Agape Love, 1 Corinthians 13, 1 John 3:10-18, Mere Christianity, Virtue, What is love?, Transforming Power of God's Love, the Love of Christ, Unconditional Love, Eternal Love, Love and Discipleship, Growing in Love, Growing in the Faith, Love is Patient, Love is Kind, John 3:16, John 14
What is love? What is Christian love? After all, doesn’t the Bible say that God is love? Shouldn’t love be one of the dominant characteristics of genuine Christians? The answer to each of these questions is YES. But hold on a minute! Does this mean that Christians accept all manner of sin and blasphemy against God in the name of love and if they do not they are then ...
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January 15, 2024
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
Vision, Mission, Purpose
| Tags: Evangelism, Church Growth, The Great Commission, Coggins Church, Christian Growth, Worship and Evangelism, The Christian Church in 2024, Church Vision, Church Focus, Purpose of the Church, Growing in Christ, Ephesians 2:19-22, Church in Lexington NC, Gospel-focused Church in Lexington NC, Bible Teaching Church in Lexington NC
Identity. What a loaded topic this has become in the last decade. With all the attention given to “understand” our identity, one would expect that we, as a culture, had learned something. But the sad reality is that we haven’t. How do I know that we have not learned from the exorbitant attention given to identity by our media, the music industry, government agencies,...
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January 4, 2024
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
| Tags: family, family ministry, Marriage, Holy Matrimony, Biblical Marriage, Christian Marriage, Traditional Marriage, Christ-centered Marriage, God's plan for marriage, Married for God, What the Bible says about being married
Did you know that marriage has a mission? Marriage is not a mere sociological invention of man instituted for the propagating and stabilizing of societies. ...
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July 21, 2023
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
Church Community
| Tags: Christian Love, Church Community, Church Life, Love Wins, loving the church, Difference between community and collectivism, Importance of being a member of a church, benefits of joining a church, loving other believers, Christ's love, How the gospel changes churches, transforming power of the gospel, Congregational Dynamics, Church Politics, Denominationalism, The Southern Baptist Convention
It is imperative that local congregations recover true Christian love with its doctrinal faithfulness, purifying power, and deep wells of joy flowing from Christ and His Word....
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December 27, 2022
by Pastor Scott Slaughter
Vision, Mission, Purpose
| Tags: Coggins Church, Coggins Memorial Baptist Church, Lexington NC, Coggins Church of Lexington, Missional Church, Great Commission Church, Caring Church, Friendly Church, Welcoming Church, Loving Church, Accepting Church
I want to encourage our congregation to make OTHERS our 2023 MISSION.
Let’s be passionate and purposeful to live this year for God’s glory in ways that shine the light of the Truth of the Gospel of Christ to those around us. And, let’s do it with such humility that when they see God’s love through us they are compelled to give glory to our Heavenly Father. ...
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