4, 3, 2, 1, GO! Pastor Scott's Vision

4, 3, 2, 1, GO!
Please read Jeremiah 14:8, 9, 22 and Matthew 28:16-20 before reading the rest of this. These passages will help guide your thinking as they did mine.
Many of you gathered with me my first Sunday evening as I talked about the 4 Core Values that will guide us as we move forward together as a congregation. It was a warm and blessed time of sharing what the Lord is doing among us and where He intends to take us. Last Sunday morning we expanded that talk to include our Homecoming worship celebration. In that joyful time, we were able to review the core values I shared the evening of August 13th.
- Sufficiency of Scripture - 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
- The centrality of the Gospel - Romans 1:1-6, 16-17.
- Importance of Worship & Prayer - John 4; Ephesians 6:10-20.
- Foundation of the Christian Family & Community of the Church - Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Ephesians 6:5:22-6:4; Matthew 28:18-20.
It is important that we not forget the past. Remembering the victories of God help us face the challenges of the future with fresh courage and vigor. As we did that in our Homecoming celebration we also celebrated what we believe the Lord is calling us to in the next 66 years. As we move forward we may draw upon the principles of God’s Word that we have crystallized in our core values. Adding to our 4 core values let me encourage us to accept 3 Transforming Goals. The first is let us regroup our efforts as we Recreate Ministries around the Gospel and the Word of God. This ties back to our core values and unites us in our work. As we do life and ministry together as the body of Christ, we can rally to God’s Kingdom-cause through sharing the Gospel and the Word of God in whatever avenues of ministry He leads. This is not to say that we’re doing anything incorrectly but only to rally us to a clear mandate. The second transforming goal we should set for ourselves is to Reclaim Worship. Worship is primary. During the Protestant Reformation, it was often said that Christian worship was in two parts primarily: Word and Table (the Word of God and the Lord’s Supper). Of course, there’s singing, praying, and giving. These are responses to the Word and the Table. It is unfortunate that in our day many have allowed personal “style” and “taste” to cloud the greater issues of giving God the praise and glory due Him. As we focus on Him through the Word and the Table the church has clarity about what is acceptable in worship services. The worship of the church should be fresh and real and rooted in the Word and guided by church history. Style is personal, not corporate. Let’s make worship about HIM and not about ourselves. The third transforming goal is Reaching the Next Generations. Deuteronomy 6 calls us to be a multigenerational church. We must be intentional about reaching rising generations for Jesus Christ. When they believe the gospel, we must be diligent to disciple them in the teachings of Christ and purposeful about including them in leadership roles when they are ready. The baton must be passed for God’s Kingdom-work to carry on when we are gone. The cause beloved is greater than anyone one of us.
We have 4 Core Values, 3 Transforming Goals, and now we consider 2 Biblical Methods to accomplish our goals. The first is Proclaiming the Gospel to Everyone. As God gives us opportunity and resources we must diligently use them to share the saving message of Jesus, making disciples of “every nation.” Practically speaking this means that whether they are red, yellow, black, or white, they are precious in His sight (as the children’s song says). They must be precious in our sight as well. We must cast aside all such hindrances to the gospel and see every person as someone who needs Christ. Our second Biblical method is Teaching Obedience to Christ in All Life. Simply sharing the gospel is not enough. When they repent and believe, the church is called to take them in and teach them the doctrines and life implications of the Word of God. This is how the church local is the beginning of the new creation in Christ, the mustard seed of the Kingdom of God.
Lastly, we have 1 Unifying Purpose - to glorify God. The Westminster Short Catechism says it best, “Mans chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” God is our delight! We find our joy in Him. When He is exalted by us, He draws us together in Christ. Passionately pursuing His glory through our life and labors makes petty personal preference and ambition fall from our site like scales from the eyes of the blind man (Acts 9:18). The brightness of the glory of God as we behold it in the face of Jesus Christ burns away our selfish pursuit of personal motives and comfort beckoning us ever up the mount to behold His glory and bask in His presence.
We have 4 Core Values, 3 Transforming Goals, 2 Biblical Methods, and 1 Unifying and Consuming Purpose! Let’s Go make disciples of every nation baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all of the commandments He has given us knowing that He is with us even to the end of the world as we know it. When God delivered Israel from Egypt He led them by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. When the pillars moved the people were to break camp and move with God. Beloved, God is on the move among us at Coggins Church, let’s break camps of ease and go with Him!
Love You All In Christ,
Pastor Scott
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