

"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." Romans 12:4-5 - 


How May I Join the Church?


We would like to get to know you! At the end of every service, Pastor Scott gathers in the lobby and is available to you. All you need to do is express interest in joining the church to Pastor Scott.


Get connected with us and share your story! After you have set up a time with Pastor Scott to meet together, we would love to hear your testimony, declare a statement of faith, and let us know if you need a transfer of letter if you are formally a member of another church. From there, the following Sunday, the church body will have a member meeting after the service and will vote on your membership. 


We will inform you of the church's decision and then congratulate you by introducing you to the church at a convenient service date.

Church Membership  

We believe church membership to be an important part of following Christ. The Christian needs to be connected through the bride, the Church. Christ's apostles commanded us to encourage one another in The Faith and to hold each other accountable to God's Word. As a member of the local church, we may serve Christ and other believers for His glory. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is church membership?

Joining a Church is one of the most important steps in the Christian life. It says you are committed to a covenantal relationship with the church body whom you serve and worship the Lord.                                   

Is Church Membership in the Bible? The concept is.

 Romans 12:4-5, Acts 20:28, Hebrews 10:25, Ephesians 2:19-22, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 

Is Coggins Church right for me?

  • We hope you feel welcome.

    • We encourage you to access the "about" section and under that subsection look also at "New to Coggins Church?", "Who We Are" and "Worship". This will give you a picture of our core beliefs that shape who we are and how we worship.

    • We understand that not every church is meant for every person, but we welcome those into membership who've: repented of their sins and turned to God through Jesus Christ. We are a Baptist Church therefore we hold that all those who have repented and confessed Jesus as Lord should be baptized Scripturally by immersion after their conversion.