Continuing the Work of Jesus, Part 1

May 31, 2020 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: ACTS, Continuing the Work of Jesus

Topic: Worship, Evangelism, Church Growth, Outreach Scripture: Acts 1:1–4

Each book of the Bible has a theme, a subject, a point, a purpose (telos), a message. Often a book will have more than one emphasis. These emphasis may have varying levels of prominence but they are there none the less. 

A cursory reading will make plain that Luke’s purpose was not to his readers a complete history of the infant church. Acts only tells some of the ministry efforts of the apostles Peter and Paul. It is clear that he had a purpose for his writing of this account. It becomes clear that Luke has given us selective history. He has selected and arrange his material to make some theological statements that will aid the church in her development. 

As one begins to dig and compare the material in this exciting book, it becomes plain that Luke was being lead by the Holy Spirit to demonstrate certain things by these historical events to teach and encourage the church. 

As I see it, the most pronounced themes in the book of Acts are, 

  1. God is sovereign over the church, the lost, and the church’s persecutors.
  2. Christians obey Roman laws.
  3. The scope of the church of Jesus Christ is larger than the Roman Empire.
  4. The Kingdom of God is spreading through the witness of the church.
  5. Jesus’ resurrection is the pivotal event in all of history.
  6. The church includes believes from every nation and tribe.
  7. The church has amazing power through prayer.
  8. The church is triumphant through trials.

It is this last emphasis that I wish to elaborate upon in this message. Luke desires for us to see that the church of Jesus Christ everywhere and in every situation is triumphant. This is a doctrine that should transform our understanding of the church and our part in its mission.