ROLE of MUSIC in CHURCH (1/5) | Celebration & Affirmation

January 24, 2024 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: Thirsting For God, Learning To Worship God Biblically

Topic: Thankfulness, Unity, Gifts, Growth, Ministry, Worship, Evangelism, Church Growth, Outreach Scripture: Colossians 3:1–17, Psalm 150:1–5

Now, let’s think biblically about church music together. Since music is such a personal topic it often generates an individualistic streak in us. Naturally, each of us comes from differing backgrounds, experiences, upbringing, and education. Couple that with how life in the West has promoted tailoring to our personal tastes and styles as many things in our lives as possible through the medium of commercialism and sins that so easily beset us and you have the vortex in which most congregations think of music for worship. Church Music Consists of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs. Psalm, hymns, and spiritual songs are to be the musical diet of the church according to St. Paul the Apostle. These forms of music are highly instructive for us. But before we consider the three forms mention.