What IS "Light" & "Heat" in a Church Service? | Christian Worship

January 3, 2024 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: Thirsting For God, Learning To Worship God Biblically

Topic: Worship, Evangelism, Church Growth, Outreach, Holy Spirit, Pentecost, Trinity, Psalms, Worldview, Philosophy, Culture, Unity, Gifts, Growth, Ministry Scripture: Hebrews 11:1–6, Hebrews 1:1–4

Truth is the foundation for worshiping God. By the terms “Light" and "Heat” is meant the intellectual and spiritual light of truth and the vitality of spiritual life that may be recognized as heat. Contrary wise, we may say that a dead church is dark and cold. A living church has the fire of the Spirit and the light of truth which brings a spiritual kind of heat. But what does this mean for planning and participating in Lord’s Day worship services? Since truth is the foundation of worship, how should this be reflected practically speaking? Once again, God tells us in His Word. Let’s look to God’s truth to discover how this unpacks in our worship gatherings. There are 3 ways that Truth (all truth is God’s truth) guides us to God in our worship gatherings. Each of these are demonstrated in Scripture.