What Does It Mean to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit? | The Unpardonable Sin

September 17, 2023 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: Mark, The Gospel in Troubling Times

Topic: Jesus Christ, Messiah, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Pentecost, Trinity, Miracles, Sufficiency of Christ, Christmas, Incarnation, Jesus Scripture: Mark 3:22–30, John 3:16–20, Romans 5:1–25

What is the "unpardonable sin?" What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? Can this be done today or was this only a first-century sin? A great many hours and reams of paper and ink have been dedicated to understanding what our Lord is teaching here. We are those who have benefited the most from those who’ve invested so much labor to understand Holy Scripture. Continuing his theme of Jesus’ rejection and the subsequent charges made against him mostly by the religious authorities, we now come to the lowest depths of depravity wherein Jesus’ many miraculous works of compassion and clear teaching of Scripture are charged with being works of Satan. Perhaps there is no more important message that can be delivered to you than the one before us this morning. Look closely with me as we seek to understand this sin of which Jesus Christ Himself warns that there is no forgiveness.

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