Comfort For The Man Of God

September 15, 2019 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: EXODUS, Being Delivered By God

Topic: Unity, Gifts, Growth, Ministry Scripture: Exodus 18

In the account before us, we have a brief glimpse into the life and labors of the man of God, Moses. So often, we make the mistake of assuming that what we see of Moses acting on behalf of the Lord and the people is all there is of the man. But of course, reality is always more complex. Moses is more than a one-dimensional person. He is a real-life person with burdens, joys, family, and friends, complete with worries and physical and emotional limitations. He is not different from any of us. He needs comfort, care, and counsel for life. He is refreshed by the love of hearth and home. As we grow in the Lord we too must grow in our understanding of how the Lord’s work is to be done. And as we witness in this account both the people and the man of God must be willing to grow in their understanding how God ordains that His kingdom work is done so that His people may be blessed and not overcome with too much burdensome labor.