Is Religion Worthless? | Can We Truly Serve God?

February 27, 2022 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: FAITH THAT WORKS!, The Epistle of James

Topic: Faith, Saving Faith, Effectual Calling, False Faith, Curiosity, Discipleship, God's Will, Obedience to God, Spirituality, Growth, Sanctification, Holiness, Worship, Evangelism, Church Growth, Outreach Scripture: James 1:26–27

Are the secularists correct? Is religion worthless? Is attending a house of worship a waste of time? Can Christian faith be worthless? Can Judaism be worthless? Unfortunately, the answer is, yes. America is becoming increasingly religious but contrary to what it may seem, this is not good because it is becoming less Christian. In these two verses (James 1:26-27), St. James touches on the question of religion. The word translated "religion" is the Greek word θρησκεια. It has to do, primarily, with outward acts of religious worship and service. Although this word "religion" does have some bad connotations, in this text it simply means the believer's outward service to and for God that demonstrates the reality of a right relationship with God inwardly. From the start, we must understand that Christianity is not just a religion but a relationship with the true God through Jesus Christ. Because we know this, we know that James is not advocating a works salvation but rather, obedient service to God because we are truly saved.