How Does the Book of RUTH FIT in the Bible? | God's Gracious Providence Revealed in Ruth

November 7, 2021 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: The Book of RUTH, Redeeming Love On Display

Topic: Christmas, Incarnation, Jesus, Genesis, Israel, Jews, Abraham, Jesus Christ, Messiah, Salvation, Miracles, Sufficiency of Christ, Psalms, Prayer, God's Presence, Depression, Loneliness , Suffering, Thankfulness Scripture: Ruth 4:13–21

See what measures God has gone to redeem us? See how Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the promise of God to come to us and save us from our sins and His righteous judgment? In the book of Romans, we are told that if anyone comes to God he will be saved, that if we confess our sins and believe that God has raised Jesus from the dead we shall be saved. Have you believed? Have you confessed your sins? Have you called upon God through His Son Jesus? 

In what ways do you need to stop questioning God’s care and start trusting His character. God’s love for you has been demonstrated through His mighty works in the lives of past believers. He does not love them more than you and I. C.H. Spurgeon was right when he said, God loves us too much to harm us and He is too wise to make a mistake. He calls us to have faith in Him and to walk in the light of His Word when all around us is darkness and pain. Like Naomi and Ruth, we must know that when we live by faith, our lives and even our sorrows are part of a much bigger eternal narrative. Of this, we can be sure. God used this destitute widow and a converted Moabite woman to add the next link in fulfilling His promise of a Savior for the race of sinners. We can see in this that God’s will marches onward and is accomplished most often through the use of humble people like you and me. 

Dear friend, lift up your head, lighten your heart, and look up to the heavens because that’s where your help comes from. When your providence has mixed bitterness in your life, look closely and trust God more deeply to see that hidden in it is God’s gracious loving providence who works all things for the good to those who love Him and are called to His purpose.