The History of the World from God's Vantage | Why Do The Nations Rage?

October 13, 2021 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: The Book Of Psalms, Songs & Prayers to the King

Topic: Christmas, Incarnation, Jesus, Discipleship, God's Will, Obedience to God, Genesis, Israel, Jews, Abraham, Jesus Christ, Messiah, Salvation, Psalms, Citizenship, Kingdom Of God, Psalms, Worldview, Philosophy, Culture Scripture: Psalm 2:1–10

With the perilous times that have move-in upon us in recent times, it seemed that the Lord has laid it upon me to remind us all of the ways He sees the span of human history, and most importantly, its summation at the end of the age. 

David now turns to write of the kingdom of the Messiah of which his own kingdom is a foreshadow and type. Psalm chapter 2 views the battle of the ages from its beginning to the end from God's vantage point. This conflict culminates in the King’s (the Messiah) might against His enemies. God’s enemies are those that do not want Him to rule over them.  In Psalm 2 He calls on the rulers of the earth and their nations to voluntarily submit to His sovereignty. Commenting on this Psalm Spurgeon wrote, 

"... It sets forth as in a wondrous vision the tumult of the people against the Lord's anointed, the determinate purpose of God to exalt his own Son and the ultimate reign of that Son over all his enemies. Let us read it with the eye of faith, beholding, as in a glass the final triumph of our Lord Jesus Christ over all his enemies."

As we pray, as we suffer, when we are concerned about the state of our nation and the world and as we live our lives, we must consider it from this vantage point. The wicked may rage; they may make plans and plot against God, and sometimes it looks as though they will succeed. Let us remember these things.

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