The Powerful Influence of Mothering for God's Kingdom

May 9, 2021 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter

Topic: Parenting, Grand-parenting, Family, The Home, Genesis Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:3–7

Dear mothers and grandmothers among us today, please take to heart the influence that God has given you for good. See your lap, your table, and your living room as a mission field to teach the Word of God to your children.  

Terms like “housewife,” and “stay-at-home-mom” have a tendency to minimize the importance of motherhood. It is unfortunate that the worthy aim of rearing children for God and managing a home for His glory has suffered so much disrepute in modern times. This is far from the exalted position God gives wives and mothers in His kingdom.  

Let’s take a few moments this morning to push back the lies that our culture is telling moms with the truth of God’s Word. Let’s consider the powerful influence that God has given mothers to do kingdom work.