January 3, 2021 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: ACTS, Continuing the Work of Jesus

Topic: Children, Kids, Evangelism, Gospel, Great Commission Scripture: Acts 13:1–3

Up to chapter 12, the church at Jerusalem was the center for evangelism and missions but after the waves of persecution that sent thousands of Christians fleeing for their lives taking the gospel with them, the focus has shifted. As of chapter 12 we see the center of Christian work has become the church at Antioch. 

This becomes apparent in chapter 13 where we see the Spirit and the church officially send Barnabas and Saul out to preach the gospel in cities it had not yet reached. We find out later that it was at Antioch that believers we first called “Christians.” The church had some remarkable men leading it and the hand of God was evident. We might say that it was at the church of Antioch that the missional commission of our Lord was purposefully practiced. In the three verses that are our focus this morning, we will witness the beginning of this missionary movement. 

Spiritually speaking, what was happening within this congregation? What made them have the mind of the Spirit as they did? Can we learn from this church? Are we a sending church? Let’s walk through these verses and observe the spiritual life of this body of believers.