The King Is Coming - Psalm 97

December 9, 2020 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: The Book Of Psalms, Songs & Prayers to the King

Topic: God, Sovereignty, Power, Person, Holiness, Love Scripture: Psalm 97:1–12

Are You Glad that God IS Rules? | The King Is Coming, An In-depth Study of Psalm 97. As we begin our study of Psalm 97 we must recognize that it is one Psalm from a group of eight about the kingship of God. Psalms 93 through 100 for a group of Psalms in which each Psalm addresses God's rule in some way. When we talk of God’s kingship, we mean God’s rule as the King of all creation, His absolute sovereignty over the universe, which includes mankind. James Montgomery Boice: “God’s ‘reign’ here means his sovereignty. He has absolute authority and rule over his creation, and it is an attribute of deity without which God could not be God.” Arthur Pink writes regarding the doctrine of God’s sovereignty, “[It is] the foundation of Christians theology … the center of gravity in the system of Christian truth - the sun around which all the lesser orbs are grouped.”

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