What Does A REAL CHURCH Look Like? | A Template for the Church Today, Part 2

August 9, 2020 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: ACTS, Continuing the Work of Jesus

Topic: Worship, Evangelism, Church Growth, Outreach Scripture: Acts 2:40–47

What are the distinguishing marks of a genuine New Testament church? Is the local church to be a civic organization or perhaps, a charitable organization? Who are the people that are to make up a genuine biblical church? 

We have witnessed the Ascension of Jesus our Savior, the outpouring of the Spirit, and three thousand saved. In the text before us this morning we will see the miraculous growth of the infant church. Recorded for us in these verses are the description of the worship and daily activities of the early church. We see it’s devotion and simplicity. From this passage, we may learn the essential essence of a New Testament church. 

Last week we began our study of Acts 2:40-47. In it, we witnessed the miraculous expansion of the early church by 3000 people believing that Jesus is the Christ. From that passage, we noted that we are given the essential elements of a genuine church. We noted three of these characteristics last week. We said that a true church is composed of saved people, separated people, and steadfast people. These have renounced the world and their own sins through repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ. They have followed Jesus and identified with the body of Christ through the first act of discipleship - baptism. And, they steadfastly devote themselves to growing in their knowledge and practice of the teaching of the Apostles of Christ found in the New Testament. 

This morning we continue to unpack these verses for our edification. As we move into verse 43, we notice another essential trait of a real church. It is a sanctified people.