Can Churches Experience Unity? | Thoughts On Unity

May 24, 2020 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: PHILIPPIANS, Radical Joy In Christ

Topic: Unity, Gifts, Growth, Ministry Scripture: Philippians 4:20–24

Can Churches Experience Unity? Wouldn’t you like to be part of a church that believes the right things, that is actively involved with evangelizing the lost, that loves its leaders, that works closely with other churches and shares their burdens and successes, and that enjoys deep fellowship within its own members and members of other churches of like faith? You may be saying, “forget it, that’s not even possible.” Not only do I believe that it is possible I believe that it has been commanded; and what is more, it has already been done. Look with me at these last three precious verses of Philippians. In these short passages you and I are given a porthole into the past, a clear view of what the relationship of the early church was like. Notice the innocence, the beauty, closeness, the unity that they had. Do you not long to have it in your Christian life?

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