Partnering For The Gospel

March 1, 2020 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: PHILIPPIANS, Radical Joy In Christ

Topic: Worship, Evangelism, Church Growth, Outreach Scripture: Philippians 2:19–30

I remember that the subject of leadership received a lot of attention in the late nineties and early two-thousands. Thankfully the presses have been allowed to cool and the church has moved on to consider other important issues. Overall, I suppose, we can be grateful for that period of intense consideration of what it means to lead in God’s church. Some of us found it a bit ironic that at the first those would-be-teachers of the craft of leading started with using the axioms and examples of great leaders of the world but eventually the whole discussion led back to Scripture and the example of the Savior. I am implying there that there is nothing to gain from the example of great leaders. Mine is only an observation, that why did we not begin with Scripture when we desired to grow in our ability to shepherd the people of God? 

Perhaps you desire the calling to care for the church of Christ. Perhaps you are simply pressing forward in the Lord and want to understand how God leads His flock. Maybe you are searching for a church home and find yourself unsure about what makes a church a healthy and growing body of believers. Our text this morning will shed much on how our Lord leads His church through those who humbly follow Him through obedience to the Word.