The Gift Of Suffering

February 2, 2020 Speaker: Pastor Scott Slaughter Series: PHILIPPIANS, Radical Joy In Christ

Topic: Psalms, Trials, Suffering, Depression, , Suffering Scripture: Philippians 1:27–30

For what would you suffer? When we think of such things, which isn’t very often to be sure, our minds immediately jump to the list closest to our inner circle: our family, our spouse, our children, our country, and of course, ourselves. Something that rarely makes the list is to suffer for the sake of the gospel unity of the church. Perhaps we would if we understood how much is at stake in it. 

From chapter one, verse twelve to the end of the chapter, Paul’s theme is all for the progress of the gospel. This theme, if we remember correctly, is based upon, in verse 21, Paul’s consuming love for Christ and His glory.

Paul’s thoughts naturally turn to the church as he thinks of his suffering for Christ and the furtherance of the gospel. Paul’s life is Christ, he said, but it is more needful for the churches for him to stay. Paul addresses two of the evident problems in the church and at the same time seek to help the church to be victorious through persecution and suffering. The two problems are 1. Disunity in the body and 2. Fear of persecution. Paul tells them that they must strive, work, for unity and they must trust God for the gift of courage under suffering.