
The Courier is filled with upcoming ministries, events, church family updates, new members, mission projects, and a brief from Pastor Scott for your encouragement.

The latest Newsletter:

Publisher Newsletter Oct 29 2024 1

Publisher Newsletter Oct 29 2024 2


In our October Member Meeting, the Church Family decided to cease mailing the bulk of the printed Courier Newsletter due to the rising costs of bulk rates. 

Instead, a new format will be used for anyone who would like to have this informative publication.

  1. The Courier will be printed and made available in the normal format on the church campus. They will be dispersed throughout the campus and FREE for all. 
  2. A PDF version of The Courier will be uploaded monthly to the church's website at 
  3. Requests to receive The Courier Newsletter via email are an option as well. 
  4. For shut-ins, those in care facilities, and those with unique circumstances may request that a printed copy continue to be mailed to them. The request will be considered based on a person's ability to access the newsletter.

Thank you all so much for supporting The Coggins Courier Newsletter!