The Courier is filled with upcoming ministries, events, church family updates, new members, mission projects, and a brief from Pastor Scott for your encouragement.
The latest Newsletter:
In our October Member Meeting, the Church Family decided to cease mailing the bulk of the printed Courier Newsletter due to the rising costs of bulk rates.
Instead, a new format will be used for anyone who would like to have this informative publication.
- The Courier will be printed and made available in the normal format on the church campus. They will be dispersed throughout the campus and FREE for all.
- A PDF version of The Courier will be uploaded monthly to the church's website at
- Requests to receive The Courier Newsletter via email are an option as well.
- For shut-ins, those in care facilities, and those with unique circumstances may request that a printed copy continue to be mailed to them. The request will be considered based on a person's ability to access the newsletter.
Thank you all so much for supporting The Coggins Courier Newsletter!