Life-Groups & KIDS Sunday School

Life-Groups                                             9:30 am

Studying God's Word with friends in a similar life stage in a small group setting enables us to build Christ-honoring relationships, a community of biblical encouragement, and healthy accountability as we follow our Lord Jesus. 

KIDS' Sunday School!                                         9:30 am

Keep your child's mind on God. We must show our children the Word and Jesus' love before the evil in this world comes to their minds and hearts. Besides, kids love Sunday Classes! They can learn to know God and the Bible while having a great time with friends.

Youth/Teen Sundays                               9:30 am

This is your time to connect with Jesus and other teens. Each Sunday there is time to dig into the Bible and enjoy time together. Are you feeding your soul? Do you want others to connect with you in a caring atmosphere?   

Youth Gathering (Wednesdays)              6:30 pm

Join the group each week for a variety of encouraging and fun times.